During our first month back after summer, and after hugely successful Give-It-A-Row sessions, we’ve welcomed many new faces to the club! Following the SU Sports Fair during Welcome Week at the end of September, we ran 5 GIAGs, and now have a well-integrated beginners squad under the leadership of our new Beginner Captain, Emma Morrison. We also welcomed the new set-up of squads, with the club now running under Senior, Development, Beginner, and Recreational squads.
Throughout the month we’ve also hosted a number of socials, including a very popular Pub Row, as well as Welcome Drinks, with our freshers getting to know our seniors as everyone was organised into families following the theme of the night – Fairy ‘Tay’les. Freshers then had the opportunity later in the month to earn their ties and visors at Super Saturday, in what was a very enjoyable night organised by our Captain Team. Our new Social Convenor, Georgia Phillips, has done an outstanding job and we’re looking forward to what socials she has planned for the rest of the year!
Looking ahead to November, we’ve been granted the wonderful opportunity to host BUCS Indoors at the beginning of the month, and our committee has been hard at work planning and preparing for the day, ensuring everything will go smoothly. We’re excited about
what next month has in store, with the club competing at its first races of the year, as well as getting Movember up and running again!